The problem

Hydrogen sulphide gas is a common by-product in sewage treatment systems.
The gas is not only recognised for its noxious smell and toxicity to workers but also can corrode pipes and sewage treatment facilities at significant cost to operators. Each year, corrosion from hydrogen sulphide and sulphuric acid is estimated to cost US sewage treatment operators $14 billion.
Until now, operators were restricted in their choice of treatment method, with current methods either unable to treat high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide or often leaving treated materials unsuitable for uses such as agriculture.

Our solution: Zero Water Treatment

GRT Water Services introduces Zero Water Treatment, a magnesium-based advanced polymer solution that effectively limits the formation of hydrogen sulphide gas.
By increasing the pH levels of treated materials, Zero Water Treatment reduces odours and risks for on-site workers, while limiting corrosion to sewerage systems.
GRT Water Services offers cost-effective, turn-key solutions, offering dosing facilities to local government and industrial sewerage system operators and is suitable for aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems.


GRT Water Services works with clients to design, install and manage facilities to provide custom dosing for the Zero Water Treatment product.
At selected pumping stations and the sewage treatment plant, dosing stations measure the pH levels and the concentration of hydrogen sulphide, before injecting precise concentrations of the Zero Water Treatment product.
Zero Water Treatment relies on GRT’s internationally recognised expertise in advanced polymer technology, ensuring the solution’s maximum effectiveness by staying in suspension longer.

System impact

GRT Water Services Zero Water Treatment is a cost-effective addition to any sewage treatment system, reducing capital expenditure and enhancing worker safety.
Zero Water Treatment also enhances sewerage system effectiveness by supporting bacterial activity, reducing ammonia while maintaining optimal pH range.
Zero Water Treatment also aids anaerobic processes by providing an optimal pH range for methane-forming bacterial growth, improving the performance of wastewater treatment systems.


The presence of hydrogen sulphide, and its associated odour is a nuisance for workers, contractors and neighbouring communities.
Exposure to hydrogen sulphide can cause irritation, breathing difficulties and, in sufficiently high concentrations, can be fatal.
The safety of on-site workers is GRT Water Service’s highest priority, and Zero Water Treatment offers a proven hazard reduction method for sewage treatment system operators.
By reducing the presence of hydrogen sulphide gas, Zero Water Treatment provides operators with a proven method to limit the amenity impact and safety risks for neighbours and on-site personnel.

Are environmental regulations, health and safety concerns or potential profit loss a concern right now?

Financial benefits

GRT Water Service’s Zero Water Treatment offers government and industrial sewage treatment system operators a proven, cost-effective method of reducing the burden of hydrogen sulphide corrosion.

Zero Water Treatment
offers an immediate and measurable reduction in the treatment and remediation of corrosion, protecting valuable industrial assets and reducing costs while extending assets’ useful lifespans.

Environmental impact

Zero Water Treatment’s magnesium-based advanced formulation provides a lower sodium wastewater output compared to conventional caustic soda based systems.
Zero Water Treatment is classified as a non-hazardous product and can be reliably used where wastewater flows are used for non-industrial purposes, including agricultural irrigation.
Comparative products
GRT Water Services’ Zero Water Treatment offers substantial operational, safety, financial and environmental benefits over alternative treatment solutions.

Compared to Oxygen, Ferric Chloride or Calcium Nitrate solutions, Zero Water Treatment offers:

  • Simpler delivery and application processes
  • Faster reaction times
  • Reduced corrosion
  • Non-hazardous materials
  • Reduced nitrogen load
  • Improved system performance

When compared to widely-used agents for decreasing pH in sewage, Zero Water Treatment provides:

  • A more beneficial pH range for system performance
  • Lower water solubility, resulting in a longer-lasting performance with reduced volumes of product
  • Safer manual handling due to its non-corrosive and non-toxic properties
  • Reduced sedimentation, resulting in reduced maintenance and cleaning costs.

Our services

GRT Water Services offers an award-winning, proven, process and technology, supported by world-class polymer experts and water services specialists with expertise in sewage treatment systems.
In addition to the design, installation and management of customized dosing stations, our expert personnel also offer onsite cleaning and maintenance, separating GRT Water Treatment from our competitors.
GRT Water Services provides just-in-time deliveries to clients through our company-owned Australia-wide distribution network, reducing on-site storage and ensuring savings through reduced stock on-hand.

GRT Water Services has internationally accredited quality control and assurance processes and Is ISO:9001 certified.

For more information on zero water treatment or Global Road Technology products please contact us: