Oil & Gas Applications

GRT’s environmentally friendly soil stabilisation and dust control solutions assist oil and gas companies to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum environmental impact. There are a wide range of oil and gas applications that GRT products offer.

For oil and natural gas extraction companies, road access is vital. Not just on site but also in the wider community. Serving as vital arteries of transit, these roads sustain some of the heaviest traffic and as a result suffer the worst wear and tear.

GRT has a variety of revolutionary polymer products and processes to stabilise, seal or manage dust on these access roads. Lowering maintenance costs, our solutions address visibility issues, dust-related health concerns, ensuring year round, all weather site access and helps oil and natural gas extraction companies ensure regulatory compliance.

GRT’s processes and solutions work on the premise of prevention being the best medicine. GRT’s line of products and road dust control solutions dramatically reduce dust and stabilise the road surface, preventing erosion and avoiding costly regrading and resheeting. GRT’s dust and erosion control products and processes also eliminate the contamination from wind, water and traffic induced erosion on the environment, keeping roads clear and the community safe and supportive.

Are environmental regulations, health and safety concerns or potential profit loss a concern right now?

Hardstand areas, such as lay down yards, camps, drill and well pads, form the focal point of activities related to oil and natural gas extraction. These areas experience consistently high levels of traffic throughout the year and due to their remote nature, importing materials for the construction of these hardstands is costly and time consuming.

GRT’s soil stabilisation products, process and innovative approaches allow these facilities to be built with little or no imported material, utilising the natural subgrades to build the pads. Maintaining these facilities using GRT sealing and or dust control technologies also ensures the most cost effective, and environmentally sustainable solution is chosen to construct hardstand areas quickly while lower ongoing maintenance costs.

With GRT’s soil stabilisation, sealing and dust control solutions and processes, you can rely on access to your site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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